Thursday, November 26, 2009

Care to Giggle?

There is no one who has made me giggle more throughout an entire session than Gabby Roose. What a ham! At 6 years old, she has more character than anyone I know. Gabby's brother, Max, wasn't immune to her laughing spells (although he tried to be!). Though it was 30 degrees out the morning that we took these photos, who would ever'd be too busy giggling to notice!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Stella Turns 6 with Sticky Fingers!

This weekend, Stella celebrated her 6th birthday with Sticky Fingers Cooking School! What a fabulous place to hold a birthday party! Sticky Fingers helped Stella and her friends make gnocchi-n-cheeese for dinner. From creating their own chef's hats to decorating their aprons the kids were professional chefs for the day. Not to mention everything about the day was colorful...the bowls, the balloons, the party favors. And did I mention that the evening ended with Happy Cakes cupcakes for everyone - my very favorite cupcake shop in town??? What's not to love? Sticky Fingers made the birthday event a spectacular one! Happy 6th birthday Stella!